“Made in China”,it has a high reputation all over the world. In addition to small things such as scarves, shoes and hats, China also provides the export of many large-scale production equipment to help people around the world use more professional production equipment at a cheaper price.
Do you also have suppliers of professional equipment such as aerosol filling machines in China? The answer is yes. Aerosolfill.com is a professional supplier of aerosol filling machines. It has been engaged in aerosol filling equipment for more than 20 years and has customers in many countries around the world. For many countries where the aerosol filling industry has just sprung up, it is not easy to find aerosol filling equipment with appropriate price and functions to meet the demand. However, if the selection scope is extended to Chinese mechanical equipment suppliers, we will find that there are many cost-effective choices of aerosol filling machines based in China.
1.What is aerosol?
Aerosol refers to the preparation in which the drug and the propellant are packed in a pressure vessel and the contents are ejected by the pressure of the propellant (liquefied gas or compressed air). The ejecta is mainly in the state of aerosol gas sol, so it is also called aerosol. In recent years, products similar to aerosols have been produced, and ointments and foam preparations, which are extruded by small pressure, are also aerosols.
2. What is the aerosol filling equipment used for?
Aerosol filling machine is a special filling equipment, which is classified into liquid filling equipment and gas filling equipment. Because of the pressure in aerosol products, filling is divided into liquid filling and propellant filling. The liquid filling equipment fills the quantitative liquid into the aerosol can under normal temperature and pressure. The gas filling equipment fills the quantitative gas (or liquefied gas) with a certain pressure into the aerosol tank. Because the aerosol product must have a certain pressure, the opening of the aerosol can must be closed before propellant filling. The propellant(gas) filling equipment fills the air(or specific gas) through the valve opening on the top of the aerosol tank.
The principle of aerosol filling equipment is to transport materials through gear pumps, push the piston into the cylinder, pump the material into the cylinder of the container, connect it with the middle check valve, and then push the cylinder to push the material in the cylinder. The material is retracted into the filling head through the piston to achieve filling. Aerosol filling machine is suitable for filling paste and liquid in daily chemical, pharmaceutical, food and chemical industries by virtue of its product performance.
3. What aerosol products are there in life?
All kinds of cosmetic spray, air freshener, surface cleaner, automobile air conditioning freon, glass water, antifreeze fluid, styrofoam, self spray paint, medical spray are all belong to aerosol category.
What are the classifications of aerosol filling machines?
From the degree of automation, aerosol filling machines are divided into semi-automatic filling machines and full-automatic filling machines. For the use of technology, aerosol filling machines can be divided into ordinary filling machines and bag-on-valve filling machines.
Because the bag-on-valve filling machine separates the contents from the propellant, the hygiene level of the products has been improved, and it is often used in the fields of cosmetics, food and drugs.